Ever since I was probably 11, I've wanted to travel around the world to see what I could see. Ten years later I am taking a step in that direction by traveling Europe. Though adventuring largely by myself, I shall meet several friends along the way. This is my story.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Banking on Budapest

So originally I was planning on doing a loop around Europe from Spain through the South of Europe, and making my way back from the North. That didn’t exactly happen. I had to make a choice to try to make it back by train (which would have been ridiculously hard) or do something else. I’ve decided seeing Scandinavia is worth paying for a short flight to Madrid. I’ll be able to see a lot more this way.

Anyways, the pluses include going to Budapest in Hungary. Now this was not a place I intended to go, but kept hearing good things from other travelers and it sounded mysterious so I gave it a shot. I’m glad I did.
I stayed in “party” hostels, meaning they have a bar on the first floor. They were really cool because it’s just youth that want to party every night. Simple idea, and the owners of these things really did it right. I had a great time hanging with many Irish and Australians.

But Budapest itself is anything but a letdown. If this isn't faeryland, I don't know what is.

It was quite the atmosphere in both of the hostels I stayed at.

Probably the best memory I’ll keep is of about 40 of us rolling out of the hostel heading towards the Karaoke bar in plastic trash bags “bin bags” as they call them. Grandio/ Retox/ Carpe Noctrum all do an excellent job of bringing partiers together to have a wicked time.

Oh and on my way to Budapest I was told of Europe biggest music festival- Sziget was happening this very week. I knew instantly that I had to go.

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